Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Every couple of days or so, someone asks me what I do to "stay thin". 

Here's how I feel about being "thin": I'm not thin, I'm healthy. Diets don't work. Don't go on a crash diet to loose weight, change your lifestyle! Of course, everything is okay in moderation. I know some of you are thinking what does that even mean? I felt that way when I first started my healthy journey too. Basically what that means is, you probably shouldn't eat brownies all the time, but if you have one every now and then, you're not going to gain weight from it.  Live a little. :)

If you're looking for a weight loss or workout plan, I'm not the person to ask. BUT I can tell you what mine is so that you'll have a starting place. Plus, I'd like to have a place that people can see it instead of me having to explain it 100 times.

  • Monday: back and biceps (Back = V-Bar pull downs, barbell rows, machine rows)(Biceps = dumbbell preacher curls, EZ-bar curls, incline preacher curls)
  • Tuesday: 1 hour of Zumba & bike ride
  • Wednesday:legs and chest (I usually just use the machines in the gym for legs, but if not I do squats, lunges, and leg curls) (Chest = Incline Bench Press, Chest dips, peck deck flies)
  • Thursday: 1 hour of Zumba & bike ride
  • Friday: shoulders and triceps (Once again, I usually use the machines in the gym, if not, machine press, seated lateral raises, military press) (triceps = tricep kick backs, cable push downs, overhead tripe extension)
I usually do 12 reps and 5 sets of each. Now, don't assume that I'm a pro. When I get up in the morning to go work out, most of the time I'm thinking What is that again? and I have to check youtube again. 

The MOST important part of a healthy lifestyle is NOT eating CRUD and drinking PLENTY of water. I'm speaking to myself as well when I say this. 

I've been encourage to write my fitness story, and I probably will in my next fitness post. I've had some awesome people in my life to help me, that's for sure. 

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