Tuesday, August 4, 2015

#AirbrushPerfectLegs VoxBox!

Well, it's that time again! VoxBox review!

This time around, I was sent the #AirbrushPerfectLegs VoxBox. I've never done anything like this before, but I was really excited to try it!

As you all know, I received my product complimentary from Influenster for testing purposes.
First, I want to point out that it says "water resistant" on the front, and then says in the directions on the back that it comes off with soap and water. No biggie, I just find it kind of funny. 
I was kind of shocked when I opened my Voxbox and received a "medium" shade. I was nervous it would be too dark, but apparently I've gotten quite the summer tan. 

OKAY, so here's the real review:

This is my leg before I applied the Airbrush Legs. Not the best lighting, but its super hard to take a picture of your legs while you're standing up without casting a shadow. So this is what you get. It's consistency that matters, right? As you can (kinda) see, I have some bruising/marks towards the middle of my leg. No idea how I got them. #shortpeopleprobs. You can also see how tan I am. :)

And here's after! Now, I always want to be truthful as to how much I liked a product, and I was not a huge fan of this one. As you can see in the picture, all it really did was make me more orange looking. I would say that I'd be okay with it if I just had a different shade in the product, but it didn't even cover up my leg marks. I also assumed that this product would give me more of an "airbrushed" look, and smooth everything out, but it also isn't do that. Maybe it would have if I use more product, but as you can see from the second picture, it says to use a quarter sized amount. I used about three quarters to cover my whole leg, and it still didn't cover anything. 

Hey, don't take my word for it, go try it yourself! Sally Hansen is still an awesome brand, this product just didn't really work for me. Let me know how it goes!

Until next time!

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